About Us
As a leading manufacturer of copper and optical fibre cables, B3 International
provides the foundations for global connectivity and telecommunications. As we
continue to move through an age of technological innovation, the demand for
improved communication networks, industrial environments and building
management is constantly growing. We are committed to designing and delivering a
host of innovative new services and solutions that meet the increasing demands of
technological age and that will enable us to competitively enter more demanding
Milan, Italy
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Address: Via Monte Napoleone 8,
20121, Milan (MI), Italy
Phone: +39 02 8732 3325
Email: info.it@b3cable.com
Address: Dubai Airport Freezone,
6WA Building 706. Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4 231 4810
Email: info.me@b3cable.com
B3 International