Fire Alarm and Fire Resistant Brochure

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Measurement of Smoke Density

This test assesses smoke development during the

burning of the cable or the impairment of visibility

caused by burning cables.

The reduction in light transparency is measured in a

standard chamber.


- IEC 61034-1 and IEC 61034-2

- EN 61034-1 and EN 61034-2

UL 1666 with UL1424 for FPLR

Two sets of specimens, each representing a cable

construction, are to be tested. Each set should

consist of multiple 5.33 m specimen lengths of cable

fixed vertically in a 2.44 m long, 5.80 m high chamber.

The test flame is applied to the cable specimens for

30 minutes. The flame propagation height of each set

of cable specimens shall not equal or exceed 3.66 m.

The temperature of any thermocouple shall not

exceed 454.4°C.

BS 8434-2 Enhanced

The flame temperature is set at 930 degrees for 120 minutes.

The first 60 minutes involve exposure to flame and mechanical

impact, followed by an additional 60 minutes with flame,

mechanical impact, and water spray.

Pg. 5

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